Our Life

The Assumption Sisters are a diverse group of women from all over the world who live together in joyful communities. Prayer, the heart of our life, is how we come to know and love Jesus, and with Him, love the world and it's people.
In the Assumption, education is the process by which the human person is freed and is enabled to work for the transformation of society.
It is this same spirit of freedom and liberty that we live our life together in community.
Our Prayer Life
Our life is founded on Prayer.
The Eucharist is at the heart of our life, just as it is at the heart of the Church's life.
Our prayer has both a personal and a community dimension.
Each of us sets aside personal prayer time,
a time apart when we try to be open to God's voice in us and around us.
We also pray together: we gather for the Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of the Church.
Each day we celebrate the Eucharist with the Christian Community and spend time in adoration before Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament, bringing the Him the joy's and sorrow's, the cares and concerns of the world.
Our Prayer life is nourished by silence and spiritual reading, a Monthly day or Prayer and an Annual retreat of eight days.
Our contemplative prayer is the source and strength of our community life and our mission.
The life of prayer is a treasure, which we want to share.
We want our communities to become schools of prayer, and our lives to be an invitation to all those we meet to seek their own encounter with the living God.
 Our Community Life
"The call of Christ gathers us into community, to live as disciples with him, to listen to his word and to proclaim his Gospel." (from the Rule of Life)
Relying on the love of God, our communities are rooted in contemplation and bear fruit in our various ministries.
They are simple, joyful and open. In them we encourage each other along the road of love and service, and allow God to make of our lives together a living witness to the possibility of a human community in which differences become a source of riches and strength.
Our Mission
Our specific mission in the Church is to bring the world to Christ by the work of education.
For us, education can take many forms according to our different circumstances. It is always founded on faith and on the love of truth, and seeks to open people's minds to the social consequences of the Gospel.
We believe that formation of the mind should lead to the commitment of the whole person.
We have a particular concern to prepare young people to assume responsibility for their own lives and for tomorrow's society.