Blessings for the New Asia Pacific Leaders
From our friends in Denmark
Dear Sisters of the Assumption,
At the end of September 2024, four of the Leadership of Rygaards School in Copenhagen, Elsebeth Trap (Principal), Kasper Stæger (Head of Danish Primary School), Brad Baudach (Head of International Secondary School) and myself, Shirley Jacobsen (Head of International Primary School), set out on the long journey almost halfway around the world to visit our Advent and Lenten projects from the past 15 years. We made the decision to do this when we met Sr. Jo and Sr. Irene at Auteuil two years previously.
Assumption Asia Pacific Welcomes New Provincial Superior
“God leads us, and no wiser and more loving hand can guide our destiny.”
– St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus
With grateful hearts we share the good news for our Asia Pacific Province!
Let us accompany our dear Sr. Mary Ignatius with support and fervent prayers.
All for Jesus!

Welcome to the Philippines, Sr. Marthe Marie and Sr. Irene Cecile!
From April 18 to May 7, 2024, the communities in the Philippines had the joy of welcoming our 2 General Councilors, Sr. Marthe Marie and Sr. Irene Cecile for a Complementary visit. We share with you glimpses of their visit, short but sweet!
70 Years of Educational Mission in Japan
As we celebrate 70 years of our Educational Mission in Japan – we are in communion with the whole Congregation celebrating 185 years of our Foundation! Indeed, “the PRESENCE of the Lord, the Holy One is HERE”…
We are the Religious of the Assumption.
We are inspired by a vision of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, He came on earth to inaugurate. With our many friends and partners, we strive to make Jesus Christ known and loved.
We are women of faith living together in communities
Passionate about God
Passionate about People
We are educators by vocation.
We are called to work for the transformation of society in the light of the Gospel.
* To discover the good in each person and to help them develop it.
* To forge strong characters
* To give young people roots and wings.
Convinced that each of us has a mission on earth, we want to help people discover the meaning of their lives and how they can be of service in our world.
We are an international congregation of 1,300+ Assumption Sisters of over 40 nationalities, in 18 Provinces and Regions responding to the challenges and calls of society in 35 countries around the world.